Teaching and Supervision

Our group members have been supervising PhD and Master's students in Finland (University of Helsinki), Estonia (University of Tartu), Russia (Russian State Hydrometeorological University), Germany (University of Hamburg, University of Trier), Norway (The University Centre in Svalbard), and the USA (University of South Florida, University of Maryland). We are also actively teaching in the University of Helsinki and in the University Centre in Svalbard.

In the University of Helsinki, we are lecturing the course Rajakerroksen fysiikka 2 (Boundary-Layer Physics 2, in Finnish), which is in schedule each other year. The latest course material can be found here. Next time the course will be probably lectured in winter-spring 2016 (it is possible that the name of the course will be changed to Polar Meteorology).

In the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), our group is involved in lecturing and field work guidance in the following courses:
AGF-213 - Polar Meteorology and Climate
AGF-311 - Air-Sea-Ice Interactions II (Master-level)
AGF-811 - Air-Sea-Ice Interactions II (PhD-level)

2015 - Fieldbooks

2014 - Fieldbooks